Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)

Brayflox's Longstop (Hard)

Level 50, ilvl 55

50, i110

Eastern La Noscea (X:14, Y:24)

Curds and Slay

Brayflox's Longstop is overrun with forces of the Illuminati; the furious goblin scholars are bent on recovering a secret recipe centuries in the making and a moment in the filching. Having been pressed into service as Brayflox's boon companion, you have no choice but to disregard the facts of her thievery and defend the Longstop from all those who would seize it from its rightful holder.  


Illuminati Commander

During the battle with the Illuminati Commander, a sniper add will spawn and target a specific player, dealing approximately 600HP of damage. Additionally, the arena will be filled with vertical and horizontal AoE attacks that become increasingly challenging as the battle progresses. One specific attack, known as Bomb Toss, takes the form of circular AoEs. The Illuminati Commander is vulnerable to various tactics including Bind, Doom, Heavy, Launcher, Level 5 Death, Missile, Stun, Slow, and Tail Screw. However, it is fully resistant to Deep Freeze, Level 5 Petrify, Paralysis, and Sleep.

Magitek Vangob G-III

During the battle, the boss continuously spills ceruleum, resulting in the formation of vibrant blue circles that progressively cover more of the arena. Once several pools of ceruleum have been spilled, the boss triggers a bomb that causes all the ceruleum to ignite, inflicting significant damage to anyone caught within the blue zones when it detonates. Escaping the blue areas relies heavily on the tank's ability to kite the boss, similar to Aiatar, and on the players' positioning near the walls to prevent the ceruleum from spreading too far. Periodically, the boss summons two Illuminati adds that need to be swiftly eliminated. After a certain amount of time, the boss executes an aerial attack similar to Halicarnassus, with its damage being determined by the health of the adds. In my group's experience, the adds were always defeated before the attack, resulting in minimal damage (around 500 HP), but it is likely to be much worse if an add remains alive. The boss also employs Drill Cannons. Vulnerabilities include Bind, Heavy, Poison, and Slow, while it is fully resistant to Deep Freeze, Doom, Launcher, Level 5 Death, Level 5 Petrify, Missile, Paralysis, Stun, and Tail Screw.

Gobmachine G-VI

The machine in question has limited attack options. It can use a straightforward Flame Thrower attack that affects a single target, as well as a Bombardment Circle-AoE attack that randomly targets one player. When the boss reaches around 75% health, it will begin circling the outer perimeter of the room and cannot be targeted. The party must quickly gather in the center of the room to avoid the circling tank. During this time, two Illuminati adds will appear, with one of them connected to a party member by a tether. Shortly after, the boss will release a large number of bombs that cover the entire area. These bombs can be knocked away with attacks and should be moved away from the center using AoE attacks before they explode. Once this phase is over, the boss becomes targetable again. This pattern will repeat twice more, at 50% and 25% health, with the final round being followed by a Big Bomb that must be eliminated promptly. Additionally, the boss will try to ram into players during this phase. The boss is vulnerable to Heavy, Poison, and Slow, but fully resistant to Bind, Deep Freeze, Doom, Launcher, Level 5 Death, Level 5 Petrify, Missile, Paralysis, Stun, and Tail Screw.


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